Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Not Much To Tell!

Submitted by Laura on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 11:45pm

Hi everyone!  Well, it's been pretty boring around here!  We saw Dr. Wigfield, who will be the lead surgeon taking Dr. Love's place, on June 2.  He seemed very interested in my case and making me comfortable.  He had personality and spunk.  I felt he was just as accomplished as Dr. Love, but he just doens't get/take much credit. NOw that he will be the head, maybe we will hear his name more! He made me feel confident in moving forward with the program.

I spoke to the Procurement Nurse the other day.  I am listed as #2 for my blood type at Loyola and #3 for my blood type in the region, so my time is approaching, slow but steady!  Sidenote, the patient waiting in front of me for lungs received her gift of life on May 18th and is home now and doing fabulous!!!!  I have to keep those success stories in the forefront of my mind.
This Friday, Joe and I have our dream portrait scheduled that we won (thanks to a lot of you guys voting for us!).  Check out the photographer's website: http://www.wancketstudios.com/ and re-read our dream wish submission here. Her photography and art is so exquisite, but ours will be a bit more on the casual side since we are including the doggies!
Joe participated in his first 10K and ran in memory of his Mom.  I am proud of him for training hard and completing it in under 1 hour. WOW! Next, he will be running half marathons and maybe a triathlon!
On the running note, my friend, Jeff, is running the 2012 Chicago Marathon and has generously offered to run in support of Lungs For Laura!  We setup a separate donation page for his run with 100% of the donations going to COTA for Laura Anne M.  What a swell guy!!!! Thanks, Jeff!
So here I am, waiting....bored....living vicariously through others, so please if you are bored too, make a time to stop over!  Keeping positive thoughts here, over and out!


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